Nvidia SHIELD is a Great Streamer - The Remote Not So Much

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Nvidia SHIELD is a Great Streamer - The Remote Not So Much

Post by Admin » Fri Jul 05, 2019 7:44 pm


The NVIDIA SHIELD is a totally awesome Android media streamer that blows pretty much every other Android media streamer away.

The remote on the other hand, not so much. Don't get me wrong, it 's still better than 99% of any other remote that comes with an Android box. Because, on a remote typically this is where Android box manufacturers like to cut some corners to increase their profit margin.

The SHIELD remote is actually quite nicely designed. And even though it can lock up from time to time and get a little glitchy. We wrote up a step-by-step article on how to get your SHIELD Remote to work like new again. Plus we included some other tips to keep you from draining your batteries way too quickly.

You can read the full guide on how to reset the SHIELD Remote here...

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