How to Watch Channel PEAR on Roku or Apple TV with Emby

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How to Watch Channel PEAR on Roku or Apple TV with Emby

Post by Admin » Wed Feb 26, 2020 7:10 pm

Here's How to Watch Channel PEAR on a Roku or Apple TV with Emby


Channel Pear the Roku channel that let you watch live and sometimes illegal IPTV streams kept getting booted off of Roku. Then they came back with a private Roku channel, you could sideload to your Roku to watch their channel.

Roku hit back again and permanently blocked developer mode on those Roku owners who would dare sideload Channel Pear.

Channel PEAR not to give up easily is back with another method to watch their live IPTV content on a Roku or Apple TV. This of course will be of more interest to Roku owners because Apple has not yet blocked IPTV players from their devices.

This process is a bit complicated, and we will show you where to find the step-by-step instruction in just a bit. But before we do there is a fee associated it with this method.

It requires paying for an Emby Premiere subscription to use the Emby's Live TV feature.

This is rather expensive if you pay by the month or the year. The lifetime option is the best deal but you may want to try paying for a month first to see if it's worth it to you.

And there is also no guarantee that Roku may one day decide to remove the Emby channel. Or Emby may follow in the footsteps of Plex and disallow 3rd party plugins. So pay for this at your own risk.

To get to the full instructions to watch Channel PEAR on Roku click here.

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