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IPTV Provider and Web Host Both Sued By Dish

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2019 5:48 am
by BenjaminLinus
Dish is going after another IPTV provider in Court and this time they are also suing their Web host provider for failing to take action to several DCMA complaints.


Dish has been on a roll recently by aggressively going after IPTV providers in court and seeking huge judgments against them.
Many IPTV providers will re-broadcast their channels without authorization and charge a much lower monthly fee.

TorrrentFreak is reporting that East IPTV is the latest provider Dish is attempting to sue. And this time they are also going after the web hosting provider as well.

They have already managed to put several IPTV services and Kodi Add-on providers out of business who were using their content. And when this happens, customers who have paid up for 6 months or a year in advance are suddenly without service or the remainder of their money.

So be careful out there if subscribing to an IPTV service, in another lawsuit Dish has been threatening users of IPTV services with lawsuits. That deal for cheap TV you think is so great, may not be so good for all that long.