The best Apple TV tips and tricks 2023: get more from tvOS 17

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The best Apple TV tips and tricks 2023: get more from tvOS 17

Post by BenjaminLinus » Mon Sep 11, 2023 7:02 pm

Watch the latest shows. Play games. Call friends. Sing Phil Collins hits. Apple TV can help you do it all…


Want to get more out of your Apple TV? Keen to power up your telly? Here’s our guide to the best Apple TV tips and tricks so you can master your Apple streaming device.

Despite Steve Jobs’s original characterisation of the early version as “a hobby”, the Apple TV has continued to evolve, and is now in its third generation. Cheaper boxes exist but Apple’s remains sleek, usable and ideal for people already ensconced in the Apple ecosystem.

For this set of tips, we’ve used the beta version of tvOS 17, which is imminent, stable and available to anyone who wants it.


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