The plot of a new Fox animated comedy series is about a guy who gets a $3,000 monthly 'universal basic income'

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The plot of a new Fox animated comedy series is about a guy who gets a $3,000 monthly 'universal basic income'

Post by Admin » Sat Jun 29, 2024 8:28 am

If you do anything successfully for long enough, someone is bound to make a quippy cartoon about it. Basic income programs are the next victim, now on Fox.


"Universal Basic Guys" stars a pair of brothers who join a $3,000-a-month basic income program after the hot dog factory where they work becomes automated. A universal basic income is often cited as a potential solution to the likely job losses created by artificial intelligence.

The animated series is co-produced by Fox Entertainment and Sony Pictures Television. Fox and Sony first ordered the first season in 2022. It is scheduled to premiere in the fall, but Fox has already ordered a second season.


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