Greedy Broadcasters Want DRM on ATSC 3 Over The Air TV!

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Greedy Broadcasters Want DRM on ATSC 3 Over The Air TV!

Post by Admin » Tue Aug 01, 2023 6:00 pm

Your days of recording TV from an antenna could be coming to an end if broadcasters are successful in getting the FCC to do their bidding.


Over-the-air television was always supposed to be free, but now broadcasters are claiming because people are recording these signals, Nextgen TV ATSC 3.0 should be encrypted. This was after the Supreme Court already ruled years ago in a Betamax trial, that recording TV shows for personal use was perfectly legal.

But don't let their greed win out, in this case, you too can have a say, just add your name to the growing list opposing DRM on public television broadcast over the airwaves.

Click here for more info and to sign the petition!

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