Good news! You can stream Super Bowl LIX for free this year on Tubi

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Good news! You can stream Super Bowl LIX for free this year on Tubi

Post by Admin » Sat Jan 18, 2025 5:01 pm

This will be the first time the Super Bowl will be streamed at no cost. Here's why it's happening.


Most of us in the States can always watch Super Bowl LIX for free if we have a local Fox station. Now, cord-cutters can watch the game for free as well on the relatively obscure Tubi streaming service.

This is happening because Fox owns Tubi. This will be the first time the Super Bowl will be streamed at no cost, alongside its traditional over-the-air antenna broadcasts. Tubi is a low-end service without multiple screens or any DVR functionality. It will also only show the game on low-end 720p HDTV.


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