PHISHING ATTEMPT! Your Paramount Membership Has Expired GET FREE Extension 𝐈𝐃#408

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PHISHING ATTEMPT! Your Paramount Membership Has Expired GET FREE Extension 𝐈𝐃#408

Post by Admin » Sat May 11, 2024 4:05 pm

This is what a Phishing Attempt Looks Like When Bad Actors Target TV Streamers


We received an email today telling us our Paramount account expired and the company is willing to offer us three additional months for free. We know for a fact our account is paid up until July so we immediately thought this does not sound right. Looking at this email a little closer it looked like it was from Paramount as it was sent from But the email address was listed as belonging to "" which sent off all kinds of alarm bells. This email address caught our attention and looked very suspicious.

But what if they used an email that looked like Email addresses or websites that have one letter off are often harder to spot as fakes.

The end game for this scammer was to get people to click through to get the free extended three months. But they tell you that you need to enter a credit card number to verify your account. Even though your credit card won't be charged. If you were to respond to this offer they'll have your credit card information and it's an all-expenses-paid shopping spree courtesy of whoever falls for this scam.

So please be extra careful with any email offers you receive from streaming companies offering you smoking hot deals. Double-check that the email address is from the actual company to protect your financial info from Internet scammers. Otherwise, the scammer will be the one getting the hot deal, and you will be left with needing to cancel your credit card.

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