Disney Claims Streaming Terms of Service Shield Prevent Wrongful Death Suit

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Disney Claims Streaming Terms of Service Shield Prevent Wrongful Death Suit

Post by Admin » Thu Aug 15, 2024 4:50 pm

If You Ever Subscribed to Disney+ tried a Free Trial or visited Disney Land Their Terms Say You Cant's Sue


At a time when Disney could use a little goodwill from the public, it’s pursuing a legal argument that is sure to cost the company.

The happiest place on Earth transformed into a tragic scene in October 2023. That’s when Jeffrey Piccolo and his wife Dr. Kanokporn Tangsuan visited a restaurant at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. Despite having warned their server multiple times of her severe allergies, Dr. Tangsuan suffered an allergic reaction to a dish that led to her death. Piccolo is now suing Disney, alleging wrongful death, but a motion filed by the company in May says that Piccolo agreed to a provision in the Disney+ terms of service that should allow them to have the case dismissed.


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